Defense Contractor

Any person who enters into a contract with the United States for the production of material or for the performance of services for the national defense.

Updated on
September 9, 2022
Published on
June 20, 2018
The 7(a) Loan Program, SBA’s most common loan program, includes assistance for each business with unique needs.
SBA 504 loans are very popular for long-term, fixed rate financing of up to $5 million for major fixed assets.
The average Microloan is about $13,000. The Microloans program provides loans up to $50,000 to small businesses.
SBA Glossary

Common SBA Terms

Everything you need to know about common terms used to discuss SBA Loans.
A business, usually large, or...
Accrual Basis Accounting
recognizes revenues when earned and expenses are...
Corporation (C-corp.)
The most common form of business org...
A legal claim against an...
Days Payable
A measure of the average time a...
Limited Partnership
A business organization with one or...
Comparative Analysis
Is designed to point out significant trends that...
A type of unincorporated business org...
Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL)
a working capital loan that...
Full and Open Competition
With respect to a contract action...
Business concerns are affiliates if one concern...
Contracting Officer
A person with the authority to...
A mutually binding legal rel..
Contracting through the use of...
Joint Venture
In the SBA Mentor-Protégé Program...

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