
A non-cash operating expense that reduces the value of intangible assets (such as patents, trademarks or goodwill) in a systematic manner. Amortization is recorded in the financial statements of an entity as a reduction in the carrying value of the intangible asset in the balance sheet and as an expense in the income statement.

Updated on
September 9, 2022
Published on
June 20, 2018
The 7(a) Loan Program, SBA’s most common loan program, includes assistance for each business with unique needs.
SBA 504 loans are very popular for long-term, fixed rate financing of up to $5 million for major fixed assets.
The average Microloan is about $13,000. The Microloans program provides loans up to $50,000 to small businesses.
SBA Glossary

Common SBA Terms

Everything you need to know about common terms used to discuss SBA Loans.
Injury Period
The time period during...
Duplicated Interest
The amount of interest exp...
Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)
The body of regulations which is...
Request for Proposal (RFP)
A document outlining a...
A non-cash operating expense that...
Extraordinary Items
Additional expenses that are...
Counselors to America's Small Bus...
Certified 8(a) Firm
A firm owned and operated by socially and...
Electronic Data Interchange
Transmission of information bet...
An accounting term used to...
Contracting through the use of...
Defense Acquisition Regulatory Council (DARC)
A group composed of rep...
The amount of current assets that is left...
Applicant Individual
aka who is requesting an SBA loan...
Business concerns are affiliates if one concern...

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