Loan Types
SBA Loan Types
Learn more about each type of SBA loan
7(a) SBA Loans ->
504 SBA Loans ->
SBA Microloans ->
SBA Disaster Loans ->
Loan Purposes
SBA Loan Purposes
Here are 4 popular ways SBA loans are used
Buy a new business ->
Buy or refinance real estate ->
Enhance a current business ->
Refinance existing debt ->
What is an SBA 7a loan?
What is a 504 loan?
What is a Microloan?
What are SBA loan rates?
Explore the FAQs page ->
Latest SBA Loan Rates ->
NEW: SBA Glossary ->
Get Prequalified
SBA Terms
Applicant Individual
Individual requesting disaster loan assistance.
Updated on
September 8, 2022
Published on
June 20, 2018
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SBA 7a Loans
The 7(a) Loan Program, SBA’s most common loan program, includes assistance for each business with unique needs.
Explore 7a loans
SBA 504 Loans
SBA 504 loans
are very popular for long-term, fixed rate financing of up to $5 million for major fixed assets.
Explore 504 loans
SBA Microloans
The average Microloan is about $13,000. The Microloans program provides loans up to $50,000 to small businesses.
Explore microloans
SBA Glossary
Common SBA Terms
Everything you need to know about common terms used to discuss SBA Loans.
Intermediary Organization
Organizations that play a funda...
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Corporation (C-corp.)
The most common form of business org...
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Trend Analysis
A comparative analysis of...
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Certified 8(a) Firm
A firm owned and operated by socially and...
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A business, usually large, or...
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Fair and Reasonable Price
A price that is fair to both parties...
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Certificate of Competency
A certificate issued by the Small Bus...
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Comparative Analysis
Is designed to point out significant trends that...
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Available Asset Test
Part of the CET that determines if an applicant(s) has...
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Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Contract
A type of contract designed to...
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A legal claim against an...
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A non-cash operating expense that...
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Extraordinary Items
Additional expenses that are...
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Cash Available to Service Additional Debt (CASAD)
The cash flow determined that...
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Substantial Damage
This means uninsured or otherwise uncompensated...
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